Bihar State Warehousing Corporation was established in March 1957, under the Agricultural Produce (Development and Warehousing) Corporation Act, 1956. The government of India repealed this Act and replaced it with the Warehousing Corporation Act, 1962. The Corporation has been deemed a State Warehousing Corporation under the provision of Section2(k) of this Act. The main objectives of the Corporation are to provide scientific storage facilities for agricultural and notified commodities and to help depositors, particularly the primary producers in obtaining credit against stored commodities.
In furtherance of the objectives, the main functions of the Corporation are to acquire and build godowns and warehouses within the State, to provide storage facilities in its warehouses and hired godowns for agricultural produce, fertilizers and other notified commodities and to arrange facilities for transportation of the aforesaid commodities to and from warehouses.
The Corporation is under the administrative control of the Department of Co-operative, Government of Bihar. As of August 2021, the Corporation is handling a storage capacity of 8.39 lakh metric tonnes (MT) through a network of 71 warehousing centres( Bihar-61 & Jharkhand-10).
The Management of the Corporation is vested in a Board of Directors (BoD) consisting of 11 Directors including a Chairman and a Managing Director (MD) appointed by the State Government. Out of these Directors, five are nominated by the Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) and six by the State Government. The BoD is assisted in the performance of its functions by an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairman, the Managing Director and three Directors. The MD is assisted by eight Managers in charge of different functional wings, viz. Finance, Business, Engineering, Technical and the divisions of the Corporation. Further, each centre is managed by a Centre Superintendent under the supervision of a Divisional Manager who reports directly to the Managing Director.

For an organization like BSWC, Technology in warehouse management is of extreme significance. The decision of implementation of WMS (e-bhandaran) in BSWC is very crucial & the same has been made to streamline the operational processes at the warehouse and capture real-time activities. It will enhance the different functional levels of warehousing. Bihar happens to be the first state to implement WMS keeping in tune with terms and conditions as well as information of CWC.
I am hopeful that the implementation of WMS (of CWC) & its integration with DOS (of FCI) will make warehouse management much easier and efficient with the availability of information online and paperless. It will control all the warehouse activities and enable to track of every unit from the highest level to the lowest level.
I congratulate all the employees of BSWC and the team of WMS (e-bhandaran) on behalf of the Board of Directors. I appreciate the wholehearted support provided by our shareholders, vendors, depositors, and Partners for smooth warehouse operations. I also appreciate the gesture of We Excel Software Pvt. Ltd., the service provider and system Integrator of WMS. BSWC is highly thankful to Shri A.M. Rao, GGM (System & Personnel) of CWC for his unqualified support in the implementation of the pragmatic project of implementation of WMS. BSWC is obliged for the vision and support provided by our esteemed Chairman BSWC – cum – Additional Chief Secretary, co-operative department, Govt. of Bihar.
I am confident that the BSWC will continue to scale milestones of excellence for years to come as a warehousing service provider with the adoption of modern technology.
Dr. Gagan
Managing Director,